
Dr. Anureeta Wadhawan – “I work so that you can stay safe.”

Women warriors taking on COVID-19

Women warriors taking on COVID-19

Women warriors taking on COVID-19

As we interviewed Dr.Anureeta Wadhawan, her simple elegance left an emphatic impression on us.

In our pursuit of covering real stories that involved women warriors during Covid-19 We wanted to converse with Dr Wadhawan, Consultant Ophthalmologist and Social Activist, and learn how to take care of our eyes during the virus and gain an insight into her dedicated passion for her profession.

Q1. What made you pursue this career? How did you get the idea of doing something along these lines? 

Majority of people are unaware of the grave problems that surround their eyes. A desire to help critically affected eye patients instigated me to grow as an ophthalmologist.

I have always been dedicated to my medical profession and have had a deep respect for my patients.  It is their belief in me that have kept me going all these years.

Q2. What were some perils and pitfalls you faced during the pursuit of your goal?

I have had my setbacks but I don’t want to give them undue weightage.  I believe every profession has its limitations. But feeling chained by them is all in your mind. If you have to reach your goal, hindrances cannot deter you. I have never let any upheaval pull me down rather I love the challenge they pose for they keep my mind busy all the time!

Q3. What kept you motivated during the difficult times?

The support of my family has always kept me going all these years. It has been my biggest motivational factor. I don’t think I would have attained the recognition had my family not been there, and getting interviewed by such an elite magazine as yours.

Q4. What was the turning point in your life?

Time lets you decide who you want to be in your life. The turning point in my life, I would say was when I realized that I should believe in myself and not give up. The world will start believing you if you believe in yourself. That is what I did and turned my life around.

Q5. What further do you wish to pursue?

I have never had any inclination to pursue anything besides my profession. I love my profession. But yes, the urge to serve the society selflessly propelled me to become associated with non- profitable organizations. I wish to keep serving the needy people other than my profession.

Q6. Who do you consider to be your role model?

Modiji undeniably is my role model. That man has a charismatic presence. His influence as a leader has been evident in the way he is handling the country during the crisis of corona. I have yet to meet someone who has made such an impact on me.

Q7. Is there some message you would like to give to all those who wish to pursue this career?

Nothing much except that everyone must find the capacity in which they can serve the country because in the end all of us benefit from a well-balanced and ideal society.


                                       How eyes may play a role in Corona virus spread


Corona virus is:

Coronaviruses are a group of viruses which mostly affect animals (such as bats, cats, camels and cattle), while some corona virus also affect people. It’s being assumed that COVID-19 spreads from person to person mainly through airborne “respiratory droplets” produced when someone coughs or sneezes, much like the flu virus spreads.

Most people develop only mild symptoms. But some people, usually those who are older or have other medical complications, develop more severe symptoms, including pneumonia, which can be fatal. Symptoms normally show up two to 14 days after someone has been exposed to the virus.

How are eyes connected to Covid-19?

Viral conjunctivitis is known to be present with upper respiratory infections (colds, flus, etc.) and may be a symptom of the COVID-19 virus. Conjunctiva congestion or red, infected eyes is on an average seen in every 9 of 1,099 patients (0.8%) with a confirmed diagnosis of coronavirus.

One patient reported that her left eye became inflamed afterward, followed by a fever and mucus in her nose and throat. She was subsequently diagnosed with coronavirus. Thus, our eyes might play an important role in the spread and prevention of the new coronavirus outbreak seen throughout the world.

 Take Precaution:

 According to the World Health Organization, if you have the potential of being exposed to a person with coronavirus:

-You should be equipped with protective eyewear, a surgical mask and gloves. This reduces close contact with people who are sick.

-Stay home if you’re sick except to get medical care.

-Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, eaten, used the restroom, blown your nose, coughed or sneezed.

-Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth as much as possible, but especially with unwashed hands.


 Dr. Anureeta Wadhawan 

Chairperson of I Can Foundation (Delhi chapter)

Recipient of Honours

Atal Swasthya Bhushan Samman 2019

India Gandhi Priyadarshini Award 2019